Coaching & mentoring

Helping leaders reach their full potential.

Helping individuals grow as leaders through extensive coaching and mentoring programs.

At Corporate Edge, we provide extensive coaching and mentoring programs, helping leaders reach their full potential at any stage of their leadership journey. We coach individuals to either grow as a leader, challenge behaviours that are not working for them or to master a new role. Using behaviour change techniques that challenge existing behaviour, create awareness of behavioural and leadership gaps and embedding the right leadership behaviours, supports them to grow and achieve their potential.

Holding them accountable to agreed actions and in collaboration with feedback from diagnostic tools and their leaders, peers and team, allows us to make significant behavioural shifts. Coaching is a powerful investment in the growth of your leadership talent.


Create Self-Awareness

This is the most important step in behavioural change, getting them to know their behavioural current state and how that is impacting their performance both positively and negatively is critical to coaching success. The next step is to challenge the current state and provide a more empowering set of behaviours to enable their growth.

Sounding Board     

It is not enough to be a coach and to be able to challenge the status quo, there is also a need to be able to be a mentor and provide specific advice when required. This comes from experience and wisdom gained both in the corporate world and the coaching world.

Professional Development

Being a Culture and Leadership company, our coaches have the capability to provide a one-on-one leadership development program throughout the coaching assignment. This provides access to all the Corporate Edge IP and experience in creating great leaders.

Corporate Edge has been instrumental in shaping our organisational culture. We can attribute a large part of how and why we do things to the insight, experience and mentorship that Corporate Edge have provided. We have partnered with them on individual executive coaching, developing culture and leadership principles and facilitating many leadership retreats. Each and every experience we’ve had with the team at Corporate Edge has been a deeply worthwhile, valuable and meaningful one. They work hard to get to know our organisation and our people. We owe much of our success and growth to them and for that we see them as true long-term partners.

Contact us

We’re here
to help.

We’d be honoured to have the opportunity to help you on your growth journey.

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